The Ruin as Phantasmagoria:The Faces of Nordingrå kyrkoruin
The Ruin as Phantasmagoria:
The Faces of Nordingrå kyrkoruin
Katrin Holmqvist Sten
medieval ruins
Architectural history
In this article the ruin of the medieval church in Nordingrå is investigated by questioning the function and meaning of the ruin today. Nordingrå, in the north of Sweden, is in the center of the World Culture Heritage area, #e High Coast, which annually attracts many tourists due to its scenic landscape. By using the notions of reflexive and restorative nostalgia by cultural theorist Svetlana Boym and rethinking Walter Benjamin’s idea of phantasmagoria in a rural context with the tourist as spectator, the transformation of the ruin from an abandoned site to a tourist experience is analyzed. A dialogue between the history of the ruin and the aims of The Swedish National Heritage Board reflects the perception of ruins in Sweden today. During the last renovation an artistic project which mimics the Middle Ages and emphasizes the wish to attract and amaze visitors was added to this ruin.
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