Current issue

Landscape as Horizon


In the last chapter of L’architecture au futur depuis 1889, Jean-Louis Cohen listed several “vanishing points” that, although barely visible in the distance, would allow architecture to escape the unrelenting aspiration for originality, newness, monumentality, ornament, in the end only engendering desolate, generic, ultimately boring spaces, devoid of life.

Architectures of Labor


Industrial heritage probably reflects the most coherent discourse of continuity between past, present, and future. Industrial sites also encapsulate dichotomic connotations, from places of the avant-garde to derelict spaces, from strong images of empowerment, emancipation, and even propaganda to areas of decay, of marginalized societies. However, as they once were triggers of modernization, industrial sites can be today powerful vectors of change, real engines for social and economic community regeneration.